Day 10 of the SIR Christmas stories from Tony Lombardo

by Michael on December 30, 2012

Many knowledgeable and honorable people in the field in the Bigfoot world know that you can only show or try and prove about 5% of the things that happen. Evidence is difficult to obtain, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Our 12 days of SIR Christmas stories will share some of our best experiences. We can’t prove these stories in some instances and will not even try, but these are the things that we talk about in-house and around the campfire, and it is our gift to you this holiday season.

Thanks, Mike – Co-founder of Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies

Day 10 of the 12 Days of Christmas comes from Tony Lombardo

Tony Lombardo - Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies Field ResearcherI lay awake buried in my sleeping bag, trying to be very still. The sound of my heart was racing through my head as I could hear small objects hitting my side of the tent – not the top.

Sleep becomes secondary on these Sasquatch trips and eventually, exhaustion gives
into will, but only for short periods.   All the exciting Bigfoot activity happens when we humans are normally in deep slumber.

I was here with Mike Johnson to investigate the “Sizzling” phenomena for the film project I am working on.

Witnesses describe a temporary condition that ranges from suddenly being overcome by fear, to almost complete paralysis.  This location we have come to in Northwestern Colorado  is a hot spot for this activity and the same symptoms have affected too many people to conclude that this is only coincidence.

Suddenly, I was overcome by pressure on my chest,  a deep sinking sensation that pinned me down.  The feeling grew stronger until it peaked and then slowly resided.  Did I just really experience the phenomena?

All I could think about was the descriptions from people I have interviewed and how this seemed to fit the same MO perfectly.

Is my mind playing tricks on me?  This research tends to attract the use of many hi-tech gadgets for data collection, but all told, it is still our primary senses that we rely on to give us accurate information about our immediate surroundings-just like our ancestor before us.

At some point after this occurred, my heart rate slowed down and I was able to drift off to sleep – waiting for the next event.

According to my bunk mate, It might come as a gentle touch from a large hand, or maybe a loud vocalization.   I’m unnerved and  can’t wait for the next surge of adrenaline, but for now, I must sleep.


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Theresa Yelek-SIR December 30, 2012 at 8:23 pm

Fantastic story Tony. Jeff and I are also very curious about when we record we can hear static along with other sounds in the back ground. very puzzling.


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