Day 3 of the SIR Christmas stories from David Ottke

by Michael on December 23, 2012

Many knowledgeable and honorable people in the field in the Bigfoot world know that you can only show or try and prove about 5% of the things that happen. Evidence is difficult to obtain, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Our 12 days of SIR Christmas stories will share some of our best experiences. We can’t prove these stories in some instances and will not even try, but these are the things that we talk about in-house and around the campfire, and it is our gift to you this holiday season.

Thanks, Mike – Co-founder of Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies

Day 3 of the 12 Days of Christmas comes from David Ottke

Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies Field Researcher David OttkeMike and I went camping in early March in 2011 with my two grand kids and two of his kids.

We went to our central Colorado location. We were there for two nights. We were the only ones camping this time of year as usual. It was crisp, very cold and clear.

We had just started working this area the year before and had made some progress, but the going was slow.

This night all six of us were going to sleep in the cots in the outfitters tent. That night we got a late start on dinner. We kept it simple with hot dogs, potato salad and chips.

About 9 pm just after eating, we were all sitting around the fire trying to keep warm. All six of us were sitting in lawn chairs talking about stuff.

A huge ravine with a closed gate was to the west of us. This area is closed to the public this time of year and has no access for miles.

Just to the West of camp, we all heard a loud grunt and then 8-10 heavy foot falls. We all just stood up and looked at each other confirming what each other had heard.

It was what we call a ‘run by‘ at S.I.R. The Sasquatch grunted loudly and ran by, less than 10 yards from camp. It ran through bushes instead of around them. It left only big scuff marks and no good prints as usual.  It was obvious what had happened.

This is the thing I really wanted to share with you. Mike and I still talk about it to this day.



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Theresa Yelek-SIR December 26, 2012 at 6:26 pm

That is cool David. Run by I Love it.


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