Day 7 of the SIR Christmas stories from Jon Roberts

by Michael on December 27, 2012

Many knowledgeable and honorable people in the field in the Bigfoot world know that you can only show or try and prove about 5% of the things that happen. Evidence is difficult to obtain, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Our 12 days of SIR Christmas stories will share some of our best experiences. We can’t prove these stories in some instances and will not even try, but these are the things that we talk about in-house and around the campfire, and it is our gift to you this holiday season.

Thanks, Mike – Co-founder of Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies

Day 7 of the 12 Days of Christmas comes from Jon Roberts

Colorado Bigfoot Researcher Jon Roberts

The most memorable moment that happened for me in 2012 was in early May.

The weather had finally warmed up. I was with Robin on this day. She was investigating some rock piles that she had discovered.

I was exploring the surrounding area when I came upon a large 17″ footprint.

It was in very sandy/dusty type of soil. With this type of soil it wasn’t castable but I took many photos of the print.

I’m sure it was a fairly recent print and it most likely associated with the rock piles Robin was investigating.

This was the beginning of Robin and I working together as a team investigating Bigfoot.

We have since spent many hours over the summer and fall doing this.


Click here to see our Bigfoot Footprints

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Theresa Yelek-SIR December 27, 2012 at 4:34 pm

wonderful story Jon.


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