Day 9 of the SIR Christmas stories from Trenton Johnson

by Michael on December 29, 2012

Many knowledgeable and honorable people in the field in the Bigfoot world know that you can only show or try and prove about 5% of the things that happen. Evidence is difficult to obtain, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Our 12 days of SIR Christmas stories will share some of our best experiences. We can’t prove these stories in some instances and will not even try, but these are the things that we talk about in-house and around the campfire, and it is our gift to you this holiday season.

Thanks, Mike – Co-founder of Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies

Day 9 of the 12 Days of Christmas comes from Trenton Johnson

Trenton Johnson - Sasquatch Investigations fo the RockiesIt was about 5 am in the morning this summer and I was camping with my Dad and my friend Kevin.

The sun was just rising in the East when I got woken up. It was still a little dark out, but I could see real well.

I woke up to the sound of pine cones hitting the tent.

That night my Dad left the back window on our tent down, so we could see out better.

I looked out to see if I could see what was throwing pine cones, but the pine cones were hitting the side of tent to my right and the one throwing them was hidden by the tent.

Just then, I saw a huge figure behind the tent about 15 yards. It was staring at me. It was tall, brown and hairy. It had big round black eyes.

It was hiding behind a tree as if it was scared of me. It stayed there for a minute and half. We just kept looking at each other.

Finally, I called my Dad’s name and it ran. It took three steps and was gone. It was the fastest thing I have ever seen move and it was gone in the blink of an eye.

That morning, my Dad and I measured the branch that its head was near and it was over 10 feet high. It was the coolest thing I saw all year.


Click here to read more Sasquatch stories from me and my sisters

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Theresa Yelek-SIR December 29, 2012 at 4:58 pm

Fantastic story Trenton. Nicely told. I can close my eyes and picture being there.


val January 8, 2014 at 7:49 am

They just love those pine cones, don’t they? There’s only one reason why he was throwing pine cones at your tent: he wanted to get your attention. That is the first step towards voluntary communication, how exciting!


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