Colorado Bigfoot Research Field Report 06-28-13

by Michael on July 29, 2013

This Colorado Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies Field Report comes from Robin Roberts.

One of the benefits SIR has by living and investigating in the beautiful state of Colorado is the sheer size of the forests within its boundaries.  This benefits all the living things that live in this environment including our forest friends.With this in mind SIR has the mindset to continually to search for new spots.  Our success is the patience and perseverance in areas that show signs of our forest friends.

We feel that any temporary investigations of promising spots are not the way to go in investigating Sasquatch because they are human smart and very elusive.

In other words you have to do your homework and be patient enough in your investigations to get results.

Colorado Bigfoot Research Field Report Picture 1

How do you know what to look for?  What are the signs that SIR looks for?

If you look very carefully at our pictures of our evidence on our website you will see what we look for.  There are several signs that are consistent when there is Sasquatch around.  By reading what the forest tells you is one of the tools SIR uses.

From June 28-July 3, 2013, SIR used their experience to find 2 possible sites.  These 2 possible sites show a lot of promise.  We are excited to start new relationships with these new groups.

This tree break with Dave helped determine by where it was situated and what type of tree helped find this new group.

Colorado Bigfoot Research Field Report Picture 2

When we went in for a closer look we found many signs that this group is a new group and possibly an aggressive group.  We will find out.

Colorado Bigfoot Research Field Report Picture 3

This is the second possible group.

Colorado Bigfoot Research Field Report Picture 4

The x pointed us to this immense teepee with Mike and Tony.

Colorado Bigfoot Research Field Report Picture 5

With this group we found some arches that were very distinctive.

Colorado Bigfoot Research Field Report Picture

Several x’s were found with the arches or close to it.  We feel that with the proximity to other groups that this group is showing their size and strength.

Colorado Bigfoot Research Field Report Picture 7

This group may be one of those that we will have to be very patient with.

Colorado Bigfoot Research Field Report Picture 8

SIR feels strongly in being open and beneficial to all in regards to Sasquatch.  We feel that real evidence and sharing of information benefits our forest friends.

In the end it is not about us but it is about our forest friends the Sasquatch.


Robin Roberts
Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies

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