Sasquatch Research Field Report 11-11-12

by Michael on November 21, 2012

This Colorado Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies Field Report shows a series of pictures that Jeff & Theresa Yelek took on November 11, 2012.

Jeff & Theresa Yelek went to a new location in Central Colorado to check for signs of our friends.We found a lot of different signs along with maybe a new sign we have never encountered before.The first photo is of a  tree break about 6 feet high.

Bigfoot Research In Central Colorado 11-11-12 Picture 1

The second photo is of a tree break that was bent down to serve as a fence post as to block off an area.

Bigfoot Research In Central Colorado 11-11-12 Picture 2

The third and fourth photo is an arch purposely bent over and put in between two other trees.

Bigfoot Research In Central Colorado 11-11-12 Picture 3

This can be seen better in the fourth photo.

Bigfoot Research In Central Colorado 11-11-12 Picture 4

In photo five is a new sign for us. There are three sticks shoved into the ground and neither of the sticks were broke or even cracked showing their strength.

Bigfoot Research In Central Colorado 11-11-12 Picture 5

Not sure of the meaning but will learn from our friends in the future of the meaning. Checked with hunters to make sure this is not something they have done. There are several tree breaks and arches near the sticks shoved into the ground.

The last photo is of another tree break with a little bit of a peal about 6 feet high. Jeff Yelek is 6 feet tall and this gives a scale for comparison.

Bigfoot Research In Central Colorado 11-11-12 Picture 6


Jeff and Theresa Yelek
Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies

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