Sasquatch Research In Central Colorado With Dave Ottke 10/13/2012

by Michael on October 19, 2012

This Colorado Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies Field Report shows a series of photographs taken when Dave Ottke, his grandson, and I went out for a one night camp out on Saturday 10/13/2012 to our Central Colorado location.

It was an eventful trip. This is an important report because I want to show you how easy it is to tell your Sasquatches are around.

The photos will show you what I look for and how observant you need to be and the clues they will leave you. You must always be on top of your game if you are to recognize the signs.

Bigfoot Colorado Research 10-13-12 Field Report 12

Photos one and two are fresh tree breaks behind camp less than 50 yards away….

Bigfoot Colorado Research 10-13-12 Field Report 2

Photo three is the feeding station knocked over and food eaten.

Bigfoot Colorado Research 10-13-12 Field Report 3

This has never happened before, but is an obvious sign to me.

Bigfoot Colorado Research 10-13-12 Field Report 4

Photo four and five are two river rocks I purposely leave at this
camp for rock clacking for their entertainment.

Bigfoot Colorado Research 10-13-12 Field Report 5

I left them next to each other in a small crevice.

The big one is still in the crevice. The little one has been removed.

It has fresh marks on the back showing they used it. It was moved as well.

Finally, I always clearly mark my camp to remove human intervention from the equation.

I mark the fire pit and leave my fire poking stick in same place. Neither was used or moved in two months. I also camp in spots I create myself.

I don’t camp in spots used by others off the road as far as I can get in. That leaves only one alternative…


Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies

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