Sasquatch Rock Structures

All of these bigfoot research pictures were all taken by our Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies team.

Rock structure 1 and Rock structure 2 are from the Rampart Range area of Colorado.

Bigfoot Rock Structure 1

Bigfoot Rock Structure 2

I have been investigating this area since the early 1990’s when I found footprints that traversed down a steep ravine that’s over a 1000 feet deep.
I have never seen anyone in this area, but me and the people I take there with me.
In the 2010-2011 rock structures began to appear in this area on a slope I have traversed 60 plus times.
They have never been there before.
They are over a mile off the main road 100’s of feet down in vertical elevation.
This is my most challenging area I traverse, so I am relatively confident that they are not man made, as they mark nothing of significance.
They are literally in the middle of nowhere. In conjunction, foot prints and some recent possible nesting activity have been found in the area.
The strange part is that there are two of them less than 100 feet apart.
What they mean, who put them here, or what their significance is, is unknown to us at this time, but read on as I feel they may be Sasquatch related.

This Rock structure came to us by accident, while we were investigating a sighting from a Cripple Creek, CO resident
Bigfoot Rock Structure 3
He reported a 5am sighting as he drove to work on a main highway with very steep terrain on both sides of the road.
As we traversed this area, which is on a 30-40% incline, we found footprints and other evidence of Sasquatch activity, correlating his story. In the same location, we found a foot print in the ice, and Pine tree and Aspen tree breaks in abundance as well.
Much to our surprise we found this rock structure on a very steep slope in a remote area, which is in the middle of nowhere, not on a trail and it marks nothing.
This location is within 20 miles of the Rampart Range structures, so we found this compelling.

Dean Harrison of Yowie Hunters of Australia sent us this photo showing the same type of structure.
Australian Rock Structure
Not knowing what to think of this new phenomenon, I contacted friend and fellow researcher Dean of Yowie Hunters of Australia, before I posted what I saw.
I thought it would be best to ask someone as far away as possible, and much to my surprise, he too has experienced this type of behavior in the remotest places in Australia.
I thus felt it was worthy of being posted. Ironically, this year another rock structure was located by the three fisherman at our North Park location, which is close to where I believe the Sasquatches live in this new location, which is on the side of a hill in the middle of nowhere.
Yowie Hunters Rock Structure
Dean sent us a second picture of a rock structure that he found at night.
Now obviously, this is speculation, but having found evidence of Sasquatches in conjunction with these structures, one can only conclude they may be related.
Is this a sign of culture?
Maybe so.

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