Lair of the Sasquatch
The following Sasquatch research gives you a unique look at the lair of the Sasquatch. This was found by Michael Johnson-co founder, Jeff Yelek-investigator and a guest Jeff K on a hike in our Central Colorado location at the end of March in 2012.
Although it now appears abandoned, this hidden place gives a unique look at the importance of trees and structures to the Sasquatch family.
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This is amazing info, and very nicely described and explained for us non deep wood treading types. You are on to something, and I am really impressed with your research. Thank you for all that you are doing to bring this species into the light of knowledge of their animal traits and the reasons behind these behaviors. This is all very interesting, and for me, spot on reasoning for these tree twists and groupings. Again, Thank you, and well done!
Have you considered that this site you found may be a seasonal home? Just as early man, and many other animals migrated with the seasons and availability of food, so too could Sasquatch. I hope that you return to this site for extended stays to see if it ends up being used seasonally.
Interesting stuff. I used to find strange sticks stacked on logs out in the woods in Oregon. At the time I didn’t understand what they were. As a hunter, periodically I would find the same strange branch stackings, sometimes four or five of them lined up against a log. These were always seen in the deep woods far from the roads. I always thought it was strange that another hunter or hiker would do this. Several years ago I began to research Bigfoot. I read many books and looked at many websites. I am now sure that the sticks were set up as markers by Bigfoot.
The sticks COULD have been put there by people.
YOU were there!!
So, why not someone else.
WE MUST keep to scientific evidence within these studies.
People do not look kindly on information based on wishful thinking.
WE ALL want for bigfoot to actually exist.
It is a part of the human experience to want legend to be fact.
BUT untill we have unequavical evidence, We MUST not let excitement get in the way of REAL research.
Not to sound negitive, bit all of these pictures seem to be of WHAT you would like for them to represent.
NOT what it actually is.
THIS is NOT scientific evidence.
It appears that all of these pics. are just terrain anomolies.
Sorry, but NON of this would stand up to empirical testing.
I wouls love to know that bigfoot exists.
BUT the opportunity for hoaxing is just to great. AND too easy to accomplish.
Not saying YOU would do that.
Just saying there is NO evedence here.
With due respect, since when a wild creature cared anything about scientific evidence? When You find bigfoot with a PhD in scientific evidence, then we can hold them to that standard.
Sounds like pure BS to me.
Any one who has spent a fair amount of time, much less lived in the forest knows a dead fall when they see one.
Old camp sites, cabins and land features that look like it are as common as big foot experts.
I see these tents and twisted trees every time I go out, have probably made close to a hundred myself in last 40+ years in Colorado. Not to mention Mother Nature, have seen many more twisted tree formations in dead fall areas where I’ve worked trees on Kenosha and near Lost creek Wilderness, as well as in my own backyard. Weren’t no Big Foot.
Not saying they don’t exist, cool if they do, but keep the Bull Shit to yourself. Let”s see some real evidence. Sounds like a scam to get free equipment and time in the forest to me.
Sleeping on rocks? Really, only time rock is comfortable is when it’s in the sun and out of the wind. If the rock is exposed to outside it will loose all it’s heat within an hour or so of twilight, ever try to move camp in the dark. Does BF carry a flashlight? Cold rocks suck, the heat right out of you. Lack of knowledge on how to survive in the wild is evident here, would think big foot would figure that out over couple thousand years. Only took me once, how long will it take you?
If the DNA is out there, let’s see it. Put the exact sequence, name of company doing the sequencing and where the sample was found right here on your web site where it should already be. Really want us to believe, give samples to another group to sequence, preferably a skeptical, yet honest one. Got any big foot faces on toast over there, be more convincing than what I’ve seen here. Can get ya one.
As for the footprints, come on, most look like big foot slippers on a person. Most of the time you can see the lack of definition around edge of a track, the way the track of a person wearing a soft shoe like a mocasin or BF slippers from Wallymart, not an actual foot. Even in the snow when they’ve supposed to standing for a time, no sign of melting at all, even a wolf welts the snow if it stands still more than 30 seconds or so, but not BF, really?. Then there are the ones that are days old in blowing snow. Oh, but they have a 50″ stride and they are huge. ever been snowshoeing, looks like snowshoe trot to me.
If real, why hasn’t anyone brought a tracker out. I ain’t the best, but I’ve followed many a cat in the snow or without, all the way to it’s lair and there ain’t a more reclusive animal round here (don’t count if ain’t real or can’t prove it’s exists). Better yet some Bloodhounds or would that ruin your little show? Heck, I’ll bring my shepards, give them a scent and they’ll find ’em.
My idea of a good time is full pack, weapon (protection and food, only a true person would shoot something so unique) and disappearing into the wilderness for days, know Lost Creek, Mount Evans, 39 mile and most of the wild areas around and in between better than most. All day, all night and all year long. Never seen one, never even seen a track (that I didn’t make myself for your viewing pleasure. There’s even a guy on Pinecam that has picture of what I believe is one of my set ups, oops. Guess I better start taking pics of my sign so can let you know when you’re following me by your pics) or anything else that would lead an educated person to such wild conclusions.
So you’ve met them and been in their home, see above comment.
Why haven’t you published pictures. If you really care, if you really want to protect them, show us the proof so they can be documented and protected for real. Otherwise sounds like more BS.
So here’s your challenge, Show us the evidence, prove it to the world and I’ll help ya protect them. Otherwise go complain to the the Easter Bunny that we’re picking on you again.
Better yet, take me, Good camp cook, worked rescue for years, can go for miles and track. If not, we’ll be seeing you on the trail anyway, cause I’ll be looking.
What ya say boys and girls?
I’m up for it,
PS I met Sasquatch on Kenosha pass about 3 years ago, he called himself Josh. Looked like old Gris Bear whatever in the old Jeremiah Johnson movie, definitely lived in the wild. Said he lived with them. Scared snot out of me, not that easy.
He ranges from Mount Evans to 39 mile and beyond. The things he knew about me were disconcerting (where I lived and worked, opposite sides of Lost Creek Wilderness), been watching for sure. I’ve seen and followed him since. Sleeps in your tree tents and caves, never found his real home.
Even seen him talking to them once. They looked just like Harvey, Jimmy Stewart’s invisible rabbit friend, couldn’t hear what they said to him or find any sign, go figure.
Told me he would keep an eye on me, let me know if I could meet them someday because he liked the way I took care of wilderness.
But that is another story . . .
Do you know Josh?