Sasquatch Research Field Report 12-24-12

by Michael on January 10, 2013

This Colorado Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies Field Report shows a series of pictures that Robin Roberts took on 12/24/12.

Jeff Yelek, another SIR investigator sent me an email of a print photo that a friend of his had taken by a creek  in an urban area in Metro Denver not too far from Pike National Forest.

Since I received the email I have been wanting to go explore this spot.  On the morning of 12/24/12 I went and explored the area. I found a few things.

I think they use this trail by the creek to get to Pike National Forest without being seen by people and to cross I-25. I also found all kinds of wildlife signs including beaver there.

This is a very urban area with this small wooded paradise alive with wildlife.
Our Forest friends are very resourceful and smart.

Photo 1:  Tree break found right by the creek.

Denver Colorado Bigfoot Research By Robin Roberts

Photo 2:  This tree break found after I walked past the structure.  This break had caught my attention.  Then I went back and re-examined the structure.

Denver Colorado Bigfoot Research By Robin Roberts 2

Photo 3:  This double tree breaks was not seen by me until I was walking back.  I found a structure behind the double break.  I would have not seen the structure if I did not stop to look at the breaks.Denver Colorado Bigfoot Research By Robin Roberts 3

Photo 4:  Under a bridge in a marshy area by the creek I found an 11 inch long, 4 inch wide print with toes.

Denver Colorado Bigfoot Research By Robin Roberts 4

Photo 5:  Under the bridge in the same area close to the 11 inch print I found this 14 inch long, 6 inch wide print.

Denver Colorado Bigfoot Research By Robin Roberts 5

Photo 6:  I found this structure in a wooded flat area between the trail and creek.  This would not be seen during spring and summer.  May be another ambush/lookout spot.

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Photo 7:  This is the structure found by the double breaks.  I did not see this until I was walking around looking at the double breaks.  Very well hidden.Denver Colorado Bigfoot Research By Robin Roberts 7

Photo 8:  When I first found this structure I was excited.  I saw it from the trail.  When I looked around I also saw signs that humans were using it.

So I decided that this may not be BigFoot related.  When I walked back and walked around the structure I noticed some other things but I wasn’t really interested because of the human signs so I walked back to the trail.

I happen to look at some trees behind the structure and noticed the tree break.  Now my impression of this structure has changed somewhat.  This is something that could be human and BigFoot related.  It is possible for both.

Denver Colorado Bigfoot Research By Robin Roberts 8

This area was very squatchy area. I was very surprised.


Robin Roberts
Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies

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kim marston July 5, 2013 at 5:17 pm

Looks like a good find.


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