Our Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies Researchers
Michael Johnson is the driving force behind Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies.
Michael came to Colorado in 1977 from north of Salina, Kansas.
He instantly fell in love with the mountains and Colorado, and
has spent countless days and nights exploring its majesty.
He got started in this endeavor in the 1990’s after finding 17″ footprints
in the snow at Rampart Range during Thanksgiving break.
In the same location, Mike had a Class 1 Bigfoot sighting when he saw a male Sasquatch in person. This sighting was investigated by the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO).
Mike is very comfortable in the woods. He hunts elk and pheasant, and is well adapted to search for the legendary creature in the remotest areas of Colorado, in all four seasons.
Mike is a Christian man, he is a husband, a father of three, and a proud grandfather.
He is very spiritual, whether it be his religion or his search for his Indian heritage.
He is a man’s man, who loves life, the outdoors, his friends and his family. He is painfully honest, which has been his biggest challenge in this field, much to his surprise.
Mike is interested in both the scientific side and spiritual side of the Sasquatch Equation, which makes him a unique individual in the field today.
Scott Barta, Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies Co-Founder
NEW – Read about Scott’s new book, Last of the Baby Boomers.
I have known Michael Johnson since 1967. After graduating college I moved to Aurora, Colorado in 1987.
Mike and I worked for the same Insurance Company for four years. When I moved back to Kansas in 1991 he had talked to me about his interest with Sasquatch and in late 1990’s he advised me of seeing a Sasquatch in the Pikes Peak region.
Frankly, I was not very responsive to it. Over the years we would camp around and he would usually bring it up but not every time. Little did I know he was looking at all the camp spots we went to. He just did not announce it to me or whom ever was with us.
Now when I say camp spots when you are with Mike Johnson that can be an extremely remote and beautiful location. I have had the pleasure of camping and traveling the Colorado Rockies with a true modern mountain man. He is like a tour guide pointing out the topography of the area we are in or going through.
He is a careful, well thought out outdoors man. Most of what I said about Mike applies to Scott Walter as well. Scott and I have only known each other since the first excursion and I like what I see, very technically sound. Mike, however, is at a different level than anyone I have been around concerning the mountains. That includes Fauna, Flora and waterways. The list is endless.
Well in 2009 Mike went on an expedition and Scott Walter was there as well. I called him afterward and he said I had to go with him. We went in July of 2009 and I was going in with my mind as a “zero believer”.
I was open minded because of Mikes credibility with me but I felt I would punch holes in what they were telling me. I openly was known as the non believer. That lasted for one night. Let’s just say they would ask me to put a percentage on where I was on believing. The percentage went to 50% by day two. By the fourth night of a five night stay I was 99% believer. It’s hard to be a 100% when you have not actually seen one to the degree that Mike has, as Scott Walter will attest.
As we were leaving our site I told Mike I wanted to go back up. We postponed my plane flight a week and we went to his home for the weekend and then went back up for another six days. Now, after countless excursions, which are much harder for me to make due to my proximity, I have had a litany of life changing experiences.
I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to work with Mike, Scott Walter and our other S.I.R. researchers. The things I have witnessed and heard are not sounds or behaviors of anything or anyone you come across in Kansas or anywhere else for that matter.
However, these special sanctuaries in the mountains are rife with strange goings on and small minutiae of events that unless you are tuned into you will miss. The one thing I do know is there is no Wizard, and not even a man behind the curtains pulling the strings.
I have not had to experience everything vicariously. I have actually had a front row seat to the greatest phenomenon on earth. I know I am closing the gap on that 1%.
S.I.R. Investigation Team
Ron Petersen – Colorado
Ron grew up in northeast Iowa on a farm where he developed an appreciation for the outdoors. In 1982 he came to Colorado where he met his wife Toni.
They decided that Colorado was an ideal place to live and raise a family. They have five children and enjoy hiking and camping together.
Ron’s interest in the bigfoot phenomenon became serious when he found footprints of the creature in 2009. He has since developed an in depth knowledge of the Colorado forests and wildlife.
His investigative skills include an eye for detail and being very thorough with evidence.Ron’s goal is to provide “Through field research” information for people to decide for themselves if “Bigfoot” is real or myth.
David Ottke – Colorado
David Ottke of Aurora, Colorado is a dedicated researcher and investigator at SIR. He has been investigating the Sasquatch mystery since 2006. He has attended expeditions and conferences in Colorado, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Utah, Wyoming and Arizona.
He and Mike became good friends in 2008 when they meant on a Bigfoot outing. They have camped and investigated Sasquatch many times since then throughout Colorado. They attended the Honobia conference together in 2011.
David brings great casting ability to the group. He also brings wit, skepticism, and great stories as a part of his repertoire, which are always welcome around our campfire. He is easily recognized when he is out and about because he has outline of Patty stenciled on his Toyota Tundra truck that he proudly displays.
He is our elder statesmen of the group. We appreciate his friendship and his contribution to our group. Plus, he makes a darn good cup of coffee on those cold mornings when its really needed.
Jeff Yelek – Northern Colorado
Jeff is a native of Colorado, is married with two sons, and has a deep interest in Colorado history. He loves hiking, fishing, photography and metal detecting. Horticulture and Forestry Management were his main subjects of interest in school.
My interest in Sasquatch started at the young age of 11 with the movie (The Mysterious Monsters) in 1976.
In the summer of 1979 while camped at a high mountain lake in Larimer county, a friend and I had rocks thrown near us at night while we fished and had been gifted a large climbing carabiner there years later at this location. Only after talking up research and investigating reports did I realize I had had encounters with sasquatch and never knew it.
My main reason for joining SIR was to see for myself what it was that roams the woods with us. The evidence is out there ,It is just waiting for us to find it..
Jon Roberts – Colorado
I live in Castle Rock, Colorado. I moved from Michigan to Colorado 14 years ago. The climate and the mountains drew me here. I haven’t looked back.
I enjoy the Detroit Red Wings, sports and the outdoors. I love to camp, hike and fish. I joined my wife, Robin in her research of Bigfoot so she was not going out there alone.
The best thing about looking for Bigfoot is spending time with Robin. While researching with her, I have seen and heard enough to keep me interested. This has convinced me that there is a bipedal primate in our forest and woods.
I continue to research because I don’t know what I will discover next. I am amazed that Bigfoot is hiding in plain view and most people are totally unaware.
Kristi DeLoach – Colorado
Kristi was born in Athens, Ohio and moved to Colorado in May of 1994. She is a lover of the outdoors and is an avid camper. Her love of Colorado has grown as the years passed and she experienced the joys of backpacking and spending time in the remote wilderness areas of Colorado camping and hiking.
Always being a believer in Sasquatch, her belief of their existence was confirmed in the winter of 2012 when she and her husband, Robin, discovered a set of large in-line tracks in the snow. She began researching in the area and came upon a small valley where she and her family have spent many hours interacting with the Sasquatch.
That interaction has included the leaving of gifts for the Sasquatch and the thrill of acceptance when they would, in turn, leave gifts of feathers,pine cones, stick symbols and grasses. Although no visual encounter has been experienced as of September 2012, Kristi has had the pleasure of finding many foot prints and tree breaks and of hearing whoops, knocks, whistles, tree breaks and rock clacks as well as tiny “wups” repeated over and over that she believes were made by an infant Sasquatch.
Eyeshine has become more frequent on night research excursions and the Sasquatch are steadily getting closer as the friendship between them and Kristi culminates. She believes that continued kindness and patience will result in a visual encounter when they feel it is time.
Kristi is eager to continue her research and hopes to be rewarded with insightful knowledge she can share with fellow researchers and others who have questions about Sasquatch.
Robin Roberts – Colorado
Hi! My name is Robin Roberts. I live in Castle Rock, Colorado.
I started on my journey of discovery of this amazing bipedal primate in 2011. I have been with SIR since 2012.
I have had several visuals of this elusive primate. I am not a believer of the Sasquatch but a KNOWER.
I know they are real and out there in our woods and forest because I have seen, heard, smelled and experienced them.
It is my intent to discover more about them. So my journey of discovery continues.
Theresa Yelek – Northern Colorado
I grew up in Prince Fredrick, Maryland until I was 8 years old. Then I was moved out to Colorado and fell in love with the mountains. I have been going to the mountains since I was a very young kid.
I am married to a wonderful man and we share two beautiful sons. My husband introduced Bigfoot into my life about 20 years ago. But, I did not really open up my eyes to Bigfoot until 2009.
I am a 100% believer and yes I have had the privilege to see one. My husband and I share
this passion together and this brings something very special into our marriage.
I love hiking, fishing, camping and just being in the outdoors. I also really enjoy photography and Bald Eagles.
Tony Lombardo – Colorado
Tony is a California native and just moved to Colorado in September of 2012. He became interested in the Sasquatch as a child growing up in the foothills of Northern California. Since July of 2011 he has been producing a short documentary about the phenomena regarded to by the S.I.R. as “Sizzling.”
Tony has been out in the field in California and Colorado with more than one group of Bigfoot researchers. In Colorado, he has been with SIR for a week in the field at two locations.
Tony enjoy’s working with electronics and photography, but mostly the chase. He is extremely interested in the Infra sound phenomenon and it dynamics. He looks forward to many new adventures in the future.
Jim Brown – Colorado
I moved out to Colorado, after college, in 1978 and I immediately spent the next several years working in Wyoming.
While I did not grow up hunting and fishing like so many, I spent many summers out in the country and sought out what ever woods were available in each of the many cities I lived in while growing up.
My lifelong love for the sea was supplanted with a deep love for the mountains, even before I first visited Colorado, because of a chance event in college While not climbing any more, I continue to go to the mountains, usually by myself, at every chance.
My background is in the sciences and I think of myself as an “open minded skeptic.” That is, it is unscientific to disbelieve just because it is unscientific and that empirical evidence, while not proof, is a great indicator that something needs to be studied seriously.
I have been curious about Bigfoot since I was a little boy but my interest was rekindled in a big way while looking up an incident that involved someone I knew. I found thousands of incidents; the above mentioned empirical evidence.
I have been out four times now with SIR and have seen eye shine, foot prints, wood knocks, many structures and some just plain old weirdness (not always on the part of the investigators).
I am married now for 30 years and have two sons and, thankfully, no grandchildren.
I look forward to new discoveries and new adventures with my friends.
Francisco “Paco” Elizalde Jr. – Colorado
I was born in Texas and grew up in California. After graduating from high school in 1968, I joined the U.S. Army, where I spent 21 years till I retired in 1989. I am a Vietnam War Veteran and recipient of the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. My combat tours include Korea (DMZ) and Vietnam.
During my time in the U.S. Army, I had the opportunity of being stationed in Colorado and Wyoming. It was during these tours that I had become an avid hunter and fisherman. I fell in love with the Rocky Mountain Region and became more of an adventurer of the great outdoors.
As far as Bigfoot or Sasquatch was concerned, I was a total skeptic. I thought that anyone who reported to have seen a Bigfoot must have seen a big bear or were imagining things. It was not until 1982, when I was hunting in Wyoming with three other friends, that we encountered a tall creature, at about a little less than a hundred yards.
We each had high powered hunting rifles with scopes on them. We all scoped the creature and we could not believe our eyes. We were looking at the legendary ‘Bigfoot”. We could have easily shot and killed it, but decided not to. It was not threatening us or acting in an aggressive manner. We all went back to our camp and packed up what we could and left. We never reported the encounter or discussed it with anyone.
I first brought it up to one of S.I.R.’s investigators and was interviewed by phone in 2013. Since then I have been on a few investigative research missions with S.I.R. Members. And, just like Michael Johnson, I, too, am interested in the scientific side and spiritual side of the Sasquatch Equation.
I have been in the investigative field, as an insurance defense investigator and private investigator, since 1992 and I feel that I can contribute to the team with my skills of attention to detail, report writing, interviewing skills in addition to my outdoors skills and knowledge of the Rocky Mountain Region.
Harriett McFeely – Nebraska
My BIGFOOT quest started on May 29, 1953 when Sir Edmund Hillary climbed Mt. Everest AND, he saw Yeti footprints !! I was only 8 at the time. But, I BELIEVED, and I have never looked back or doubted…..
On October 20, 1967 the Patterson/Gimlin film was made of “Patty”.
I never doubted it, and I still don’t…. I was “hooked” for life.
When I was a kid, there were no dolls for me. I had dogs, cats, horses, snakes, pigeons, field mice and hamsters. In the summer, I had my own tent set up in our back yard., and that is where I slept. When I was about 10 or 11 I was out hiking in Southern Nebraska and I found a 13 pound fossilized Woolly Mammoth bone! To this day, that is still one of my most prized possessions.
I wanted more than anything to go to college and become an anthropologist/archaeologist.
But, my mom was a widow and there was no money for college. And then, the “DREAM KILLERS” attacked me and said, I was “too stupid to go to college, AND, besides, anthropology was a dumb thing…” And, that was the end of my dreams………for almost 50 years………….And, now, they are having BIGFOOT tv shows, , and documentaries, web-sites, books and conferences, and camp-outs.!!!!!!
I feel like I have been Born Again!!!!! So now, I am able to read , study, and “go to college!” Recently, I met Robin Roberts and other S.I.R. members in Honobia, Oklahoma (April 2014) at a BIGFOOT Conference. I was very impressed with the group; their presentations, and their obvious integrity.
In August Robin invited me to Colorado to an ALL-GIRL CAMP-OUT right in the middle of BIGFOOT country !!! I would have gone if I would have had to walk all the way! I had one of the most wonderful weeks of my life. Robin and the other S.I.R. members were excellent, patient teachers and very thorough. They were excellent “trackers” and always preferred to under-play their findings rather than to “Hollywood up” the facts. Robin is an excellent teacher and a wonderful mentor. I am very happy and honored to call her my friend. In my wildest dreams I would NEVER have believed that I am now able to join in on the investigations and the “hunt for BIGFOOT”. Thank you God, and thank you so very much to S.I.R.
Harriett McFeely, Hastings, Nebraska
P.S. We live a few miles out in the country and I have BIGFOOT there, and a “crossing sign”.
I have some deer bones from the “killing field”, driftwood, and I am building some arches…. That way, if BIGFOOT ever shows up here, I want him to feel right at home and WELCOME.
Ellen V. – Nebraska
I am from Southeast Nebraska where I, along with my family, manage a family farm. I have been fascinated with the subject of Sasquatch since I was a very young child, when my Dad took my siblings and I to see the original movie documentary of the Patterson Gimlin film in our local theatre.
Since that time, I have always loved to read and study about the subject. My favorite place to be is outdoors, and I am happiest when hiking or horseback riding.
Most of my firsthand creature experiences have been in the Missouri Ozarks, where we own property, and I spend time there in the woods whenever I can get away.
I help to organize and promote the Nebraska Bigfoot Conference, which is hosted by my friend Harriett. I have a busy life which involves my family, and our horses, dogs, and other animals, working on our farm, traveling, maintaining our Missouri property, as well as being a glass artist doing stained and fused glass art.
I am very excited to be a part of the S.I.R. team and look forward to our future endeavors in the wilderness.
Shane Carpenter – Missouri
I was born and raised in southern Missouri. I am married with three children, of which my oldest (11) frequently goes with me on my field trips.
I reside in Springfield Mo, and love to hike and explore Missouri’s National Forest areas, occasionally going down into northern Arkansas.
I hope to bring evidence to further our understanding and knowledge of what is known as Sasquatch.
Trenton Johnson – Colorado Junior Investigator
Trenton Johnson has been with SIR from its inception. In fact, he has grown up with SIR.
He is a seasoned investigator learning from his Dad over the years and the rest of the team. He has experienced and seen them in real time on more than one occasion at more than one location.
This year he turns 16 and he now drives his Dad to the camp site. He is an integral part of our organization.
His other hobbies and interests include video games, everything about cars, Lacrosse, and camping with his family and friends.
{ 57 comments… read them below or add one }
WOW until finding your site I thought the “Bigfoot” phenomena was limited to the Pacific northwest. So…um…have there been any sightings at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs? (I’m researching this for my sister who maintains that she needs not the Internet….) Many thanks for your time!
I just moved to Colorado Springs for a job. After this project finishes in November, I will move closer to Denver where our company is based. Looking to buy a place in the mountains.
Anyway, I am a lifelong bigfoot enthusiast and had a class B encounter as a teenager. I want to get into resarching. I am a former cop, ex military and a martial arts instructor, and grew up in the mountains of Northern California.
I am a Christian and truly want to find some like minded researchers who can show me the ropes. Sure would love to hear from you.
Hello Mike,
What caught my eye to even care to respond is the fact that you stated your a Christian. My next question would be, how close is your walk with Christ?
As a Christian with a ministry, the evidence and recordings of this creature has me searching the Bible in how, when, and why did this thing occure.
Unlike UFO’s which I believe are from demonic means as no Christian has experienced or saw what many believe is real. I know that Satan will try to deceive mankind to believe that they are real. Clearly, Christians can see its demonic.
However, with the bigfoot animal there are recordings and things that appear to point to an animal that is smart enough to remain an interesting story. However, it does not seem demonic, as if someone believes these things exist, they would question who and when it came into the world if proven true. Would not hinder belief in Christ, as God sees many things that man is just now discovering that fits in God’s plan.
Only time will reveal that information. But I do believe something is out there in the woods to keep man curious.
Patty, read Genesis and the Garden of Eden. The answers you’re looking for are in the christian’s bible but it’s paraphrased and chopped up so much that it’s nonsensical but still clues are very apparent in your bible. The Sasquatch/Ancient ones/Guardians and now these weird not so smart bear like Squatches plus us humans are part of what may be called the Adamic race. We are all cousins in various degrees. The new ones are less our cousin and more animal. Watch out, they’re not so nice but so far with me they’ve only been curious but I’ve only seen two and they were not aggressive but rumor has it the adults are extremely dangerous and they are predatory and have similar abilities as the Sasquatch. I am not a christian nor am I aligned with any other religion. To each her/his own. I believe what comes around goes around. Why muck it up with dogmatic absolutes based upon ______ (fill in the blank)? Keep in mind these people are not animals or primates they are people just like you and me. If you want to know who the devil is just turn on your television and pick the politician/clergy/CEO of your choice and zing there’s your devil. Personally, I think the person who kills a Sasquatch has just acquired enough bad karma to be reborn a worm in their next life. And that’s coming from someone who has flagged a female with my rifle a few years ago. She made me feel horrible about it and I’ll never do that again. They’re better then we are and you might find their beliefs align very closely with your own when it comes to your spirituality sans religion. They are not my friends, in fact I don’t think they like me very much…, and I can’t blame them. A guardian was in my bedroom a month ago and he was teasing me and telling me not to mess with something I was messing with and he was play writing on the palm of his hand in regards to my writing about him. But he’s wrong, I’m going to keep at it until I achieve it. I just happen to live on or near one of their portals. A few months ago I saw a man about ten feet tall and as wide as a horse who walked by outside my garage in the middle of the day and paid me no attention. They’re really above all this religious squabble and our beliefs but they are very patient and if your one of the kind christians who aligns with peace and love instead of the blood thirsty ones I worked with in Iraq I think they’ll like you and maybe you’ll get some feedback from them. While riding my bike home a few weeks ago I was thinking about my archery season and wanting to see if I could chip a stone for an arrow point but I don’t know how to do that. The next morning I went into the bathroom to take a shower and the counter top outside the bathroom was bare except for some dirty children’s cloths. When I came out of the shower an incredibly skilled person had chipped an arrow point out of black obsidian and wrapped it in sinew and placed it upon the counter top. They just come in as they please. Wow one of them gave me an arrow point for my archery. I’m not likely to use it but I really appreciated the gift. Like I said they’re not animals they are people and they can do incredible things. And they are certainly not the devil, scary to behold (you may piss yourself your first time running into one or a whole family) but not the devil. If I’m not mistaken doesn’t the devil appear as a beautiful loving being that you just can’t resist? Well I see a lot of those kind of people on T.V. wanting more money for god. Because god is apparently poor. Poor god, send him some more money please.
hey i love this site and i am only 14 years old
Hello Bigfoot team! Is there ever an opportunity for people who are interested in investigating bigfoot to join you on one of your endeavors? My friend and I are very interested in bigfoot and would love to have a guided “bigfoot search”.
Hope your both coming to the crypto conference in cripple creek !
I have been interested in all things Sasquatch since i was a boy (1975). Love the outdoors, and wondering what is out there. Ive never doubted the exsistance of bigfoot. And with my native heritage have researched many things. Now that I live in Castle Rock,CO. Im looking forward to going camping and exploring . Look forward to meeting fellow researchers
Awesome website. So glad that someone is investigating this in the Rocky Mountain Region. I’m a native of Colorado and my best friend and I have always been unique in our belief that Sasquatch is not the myth that the media would have us believe.
I subscribed to the new findings emails and look forward to what you may turn up. I’m very familiar with many of the locations you visit. I have spent literally hundreds of nights in the Colorado Mountains and more than once have seen things that indicate the presence of Sasquatch close by. I will be following your progress!
Hello! I’m a central colorado bigfoot researcher and life long country boy / hillbilly. I live in an old ghost town in the San Isabel Nat forest. My wife and i are building a cabin and intend to be here till the end.
I’ve had my own experiences that range from finding tracks, stick structures and being made uncomfortable by infrasound. Locals have begun to know me as the bigfoot guy because I’m always asking questions and have had MANY reports of activity from actual sightings to long lines of prints to cars being pushed sideways!
It has been truly awesome ! I have a local hot spot that I camp at and prospect for gold that id love to share with you guys. Seems theress more gold in the Arkansas river than my spot. Oh well. I’m an approved poster on the BFRO forum and have shared some of my stuff with them, but they seem a bit to stern with their rules n regs for my taste. They are awesome with their efforts and i salute them. We are all kinda in this together.
I’m starting a local beer n bigfoot meeting at a local bar n grill that will be on Sunday afternoons in hopes of helping people feel more relaxed about talking of what they have heard or seen. Maybe we can coordinate or efforts and learn from each other.
Theresa – if you are ever out here in Md again, we gotta go squatchin together! I live in Carroll County and for a rural-urban area, its interesting. I’ve had some correspondence with Mike, but please feel free to email me.
Squatching sounds fantastic. I will let you know if I am in my home state again.
I am from the twin beach area on the Chesapeake Bay side.
I have followed the Bigfoot phenomenon ever since my son and I had large object tossed at us while night fishing along a remote North Texas creek. Since that time, I have had multiple visual sightings-within 15 feet of two of them-taken some incredible pictures, videos, photographs and night vision videos of these truly amazing subjects. They do exist and walk among us! Sadly, most people think they are the work of a few jokers or deceitful charlatans.
Have a Blessed Christmas and New Year!
I have had 2 really crazy experiences now here in Colorado. I never believed in sasquatch, but now I’m starting to think it may be real. Once high in the Sangres and another on Rampart of all places. I would be interested in going on a expedition sometime here locally in Woodland Park. Please let me know if you guys have any plans and want some company. I’m all ears.
Hi my name is Joseph. I really haven’t told to many people about this, but back in the 1960’s my dad was a sheep herder up in the San Juan mountains in Southern Colo. He did this every since I was 4 yrs old until I was 13.
One summer when I was 13, I got bored staying in. I loaded up one of my horses and headed out for the day. Late that afternoon I road up to a canyon and I got off my horse and walked to the edge of the canyon.
There was some oak brush there. I found a little opening when I looked across the canyon, which was about 100 yds across. I saw what looked like to be about 10 to 13 hairy big foot creatures,maybe two or three familys.
There were big ones and little ones. Some looked look like children playing. I watched them for about 20 or 30 minutes. Some of them were sitting on the edge with their legs hanging dangling looking like they were talking. The little ones were chasing each other playing. There were about 6 of them.
I wanted to get a better look, so I moved to a different place. My horse spooked and made a noise and my dog started barking. By the time I got back to the edge, they were all gone. I don’t know where they went. They just disappeared. I never did get across the canyon.
Really I was kind of scared. I am 55 now, but I think about this all the time.
I have a photo a friend took while we were out looking for drop horns yesterday. He sent me a pic and told me to look @ it hard and see if I c anything unusual, out of the ordinary?? I seen a head that looked like it has a hairy face, looking @ him while he took the photo. He didnt tell me where to look, I zoomed in and found it myself. There are burnt trees in the area we were. But it don’t look like a tree. Has a dark spot where a eye wud be and the sun is shining on its face, showing a light brown maybe?? We were yelling around the whole day when we walked, make sure we were near 2 another, being lion country and finding lion kills in area.. Maybe we called it 2 us and was curious?? Hit me up 2 get photo email
I am from Tofino, BC Canada. I was skiing up at our local mountain “MOUNT WASHINGTON SKI RESORT in Courtney BC . I came across some huge foot prints in the snow and would like to send them to you to look at. I have my footprint next to the ones I photographed very interesting indeed. You can make out the heel and the middle ridge as well as the toe print indentation. The week before I saw these prints I came across a huge set of Wolf prints in the exact location of these other prints. Would you be able to forward me an email address to send these pictures to thank you.
Kind Regards,
Richard George
Tofino, BC
I have been enjoying your site today. Thank you for having a firm foundation in your beliefs of God and Bigfoot. I live in the northeast part of Oklahoma basically the foothills of the Ozark mountain range. Acres of wooded areas, miles of waterways and tons of sightings. I live a 1/2 mile from Beatty Creek a somewhat isolated area but bordered with pastures, caves, chicken farms and of course fresh water. Living amongst the Cherokee Indians I grew up hearing their stories and claims, which peaked my interest to read and research all I could find. My neighbor and I both experienced in the middle of the night strange sounds and smells. I compared the sounds with audio files and they seem to be the same. There was a Bigfoot research team called to a rural town 9 miles from me, I have no idea of their results but reports were substantial enough to inspire their presence. Have you or will you consider investigating in my area?
Thank you for all your time and efforts to confirm what most believe anyway.
Jennette McGinley
Are you coming to bailey Colorado
At the end of Sept
Just they are having a big foot thing
Here and wondering if you guys would be here
Thank you for inviting us. The Bailey Country Store and the Bailey community is a wonderful place. The opportunity to talk Sasquatch is irresistible. We look forward to seeing everyone there.
Had a great time on our camp out / exp i learned alot from all you guys thank you so very much Till we meet soon i hope Jeff
You were a great host. We loved it there. The best part of our weekend was spending time with you and the others.
I had an idea tonight about whether Satan is responsible for the increase in TV coverage of Sasquatch/bigfoot as well as an increase in UFOs which could be Satanic. I am pleased to find this blog. The reason I have a curiosity about this is the fact that no deceased creatures have been discovered that are mentioned on these programs. Certainly they have to die some time but have you researchers found any remains? These end times are proving that strange happenings are increasing.
Also I live in Wyoming
What’s up, just wanted to say, I liked this article. It was practical.
Keep on posting!
Okay, I know some y’all people don’t believe in bigfoot, but he is real. I know it.
I tend not to leave a response, however I browsed some of the comments on Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies Bigfoot Research Team.
I do have a couple of questions for you if you tend not to mind.
Could it be just me or do some of the remarks come across like they
And, if
are written by brain dead folks?
you are posting on other sites, I’d like to follow you.
Could you post a list of all of your shared sites like your twitter
feed, Facebook page or linkedin profile?
Hello cousin Scott Barta!
Love this!!! I read your book and loved it too!! Your family is beautiful!
Jody Hahn
Thank you Jody. You were a big part of my life in Colorado. I have a beautiful extended family as well. Thanks for being you.
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I posted this to FaceBook last night not thirty minutes after the incident. Thought you all might be interested in reading it.
I don’t expect anyone to believe the events I am about to tell. I am still processing it myself.
I have been an outdoor person my whole life. As a child and as an adult. Sure, during my adolescent years and thanks to my Uncle John and his friends, I had a brief fear of the woods at night that I got over. I hunt, camp, fish, hike and explore unmarked trails and not afraid to get lost every now and then. My friends know that I am a no bullshit kind of guy. Tell it like it is. Detailed oriented. Need to know why/how/when/where. For those that don’t know, I am house/dog sitting for a friend in a small mining town called Red Cliff just south of Vail and north of Leadville. The nearest town is Minturn just off I-70 on highway 24. The dog, a Saint Bernard/akita mix, was bread as a herding dog. Raised to protect the flock. Sheep, cows whatever. She was raised to kill ANYTHING that comes near the property, me, my truck if she is in it, on the leash, on her steel cable in the back yard and in the house. If she HEARS a dog in the distance she barks. She barks at any loud noise. Including helicopters, fireworks, car doors being shut, people talking, gun shots and on occasion will wake up from a dream wanting to maim the first thing she see’s. Stephen King wrote her autobiography before she was even born. A handful to say the least.
I started walking her at night as it is quiet, no dogs, no people and no possibility of a lawsuit. Last night and tonight we started venturing down her favorite path that starts off my street about a mile away near Hwy 24 and along the river. It’s twisted trail traverses bogs, felled trees, small dried up creek beds, open pastures and tall shrubby routes. Obvious animal trails but also hiked by many especially in the spring when its not over grown. Tonight, we hiked further then normal. Yes at night. Yes there are bears and mountain lions to be weary of, but I have the 140 pound hog that almost ripped my steering wheel off one day in Home Depot’s parking lot over a poodle that was over 80yrds away. And on this night I was carrying my 40 S&W with hollow points and a head lamp. No worries here.
We came upon a clearing that was riddled with old dead branches, tree trunks and dead shrubs that had been taken over by the new growth. Each step was louder then the next and I started to realize that we had come upon an area where either the deer, elk or moose have been bedding down. The river was to my right and ahead about 30-40 yards, the highway to my left about 200 yards. You could still hear the occasional car and see the glow of the headlights tipping the tops of the pines. The temperature was in the low forties and it was starting to drizzle. I stopped for a brief moment to scan with my head lamp the surrounding area looking for the glow of eyes in the distance hoping I was not about to come up on a bedded down moose family or small elk herd. Both can be dangerous if they are snuck up on and startled.
In the distance I could hear the river, I could hear the pig of a dog breathing heavy and I could see my own breath as I exhaled. As I took my next step forward I herd a splash in the river ahead. A thud of a splash. I stopped and listened figuring I just spooked up a deer or something. A minute later another loud, thud of a splash. Just one. Not something moving through the river but as if someone or something threw a large object into the river. The deep part of the river. No other sounds followed. No clicks of rock on rock, just a loud kerplunk of a splash. Three times. Each one getting louder, each one sounding like a bigger object then the other. The dog, miss I-want-to-kill-everything-I-can-smell, was oblivious to the sound nor was she even remotely smelling anything in the air or on the ground. On the forth ‘kerplunk’ I pulled my pistol from the holster. The dog heard that one but was not startled. I slowly started backing out of the meadow toward the marsh we came through keeping my headlamp pointed in the direction of whatever it was. Mind you, there are NO camp sites where we were at. No smell of a campfire, no glow of any light source. It’s getting cold enough at night that a campfire is a must. By the time my mind told me that it may NOT be a drunken asshole, another loud THUD hit the ground about twenty feet to my left. Had a person thrown a large rock from that distance, there would had been the sound of the weeds bending as the rock rolled after initial impact. There was not. Only a thud.
Now I am not by any means saying that it was a Bigfoot. I have no idea what it was and tomorrow I am going out there again while there is still light. What I CAN say is, there have been known sittings of what appears to be Bigfoot between Leadville and Red Cliff. What I heard was real. What it was I do not know. I can also say that no deer, elk, moose, bear, mountain lion, fox, bobcat OR a normal size human could have thrown objects big enough to come straight down and make the noises I heard this evening. Take from this what you will. Believe what you will. This is my story, and I am sticking to it.
Any updates? My wife and I shared a very similar experience several weeks ago while kayaking the Pine River in Michigan. Same punking sounds throughout the night in various parts of the river.
Dear ladies and gentelmen, I am retired last jan. would like info. on how to get involved with people who are involved in this type of research. I love the outdoors. camping hiking and fishing. I LIVE AURORA COLO. and have alot of free time to help, even for short trips etc. although Im not afraid of being alone in the outdoors. I would like to partner up with someone or team, just for safety reasons. I’m 63. thank you. If you can’t help maybe who? Frank
I like your site…keep up the good work!!
just wanted to share something I just filmed, and follow up video at end, thanks!
Joe, nice video great catch but may I ask what you were feeling at the time (emotionally) when you where in the woods near this gentlemen sitting in the woods. I ask this because something has made you re-watch this video and look for something that wasn’t there before. Search your mind’s emotions to answer this question. Something has allowed you to see in your video what most people wouldn’t see or think to even look at again, an impression has been left upon your mind. Do you know how to tell when fear is your own or when it is being projected at you by another person? Did he project fear towards you, I don’t really know for sure but I think this allows them to sit right in front of us without being seen? You will know the difference now if he did. Next time say “Hay-yee” softly but guttural, pull it deep from the diaphragm, it’s “hello” in Sasquatch (Rocky Mtn. region anyways). I’ve heard English, Spanish and something with a lot of constanants (sic) and very little vowels spoken at me in the mountains. It’s a bit eerie to hear it in your ears as well as in your head at the same time but you’ll get used to it if you stay out there, or go crazy hee, hee. Please treat them with respect and kindness even if they piss you off, they’re constant jokesters but sometimes their perspective of what is funny really isn’t to us/me. They’ve always been here we’re just able to perceive them more now. I don’t know why exactly but I will find out eventually. Damn they can be scary just to be around but they don’t mean any harm, oddly they’re hear to help. I don’t know what that means exactly either but once again I aim to find out. Good video of a young sasquatch, keep it up.
I have google maps bigfoot photo on property I own in Northern Minnesota. Thank you, Dan
I seldom create comments, however i did a few searching and wound up here Sasquatch Investigations of the Rockies Bigfoot Research Team.
And, if you are posting at other online sites, I’d like to keep
And I actually do have a few questions for you if you tend
not to mind. Is it just me or does it look as if like
a few of these remarks appear as if they are written by brain dead people?
up with everything new you have to post. Could you list
of the complete urls of your communal pages like your Facebook page, twitter feed, or
linkedin profile?
I have always had a passion for the research of Bigfoot .I do believe they real and alive, I have friends and family who have had experiences .I would love to join you all in research it more. if not with. A group of pros. I will have to make my own and post my findings.
In 2005 I was fishing with my brother on a stretch of our stream in the San Luis Valley. It was getting dark and we were getting nervous about getting back to the cabin with any light left. The only light we had was a key chain flashlight. After tromping through wet grass and deep dug beaver holes, we decided to climb the mountain to our left and hike back through the timber. We could see the cabin light about 1/4 a mile from us. After a few hundred feet we heard a loud break of a tree branch about 15 feet out from us. I instantly drew my 40 SW and pointed it in the direction of the sound. At the same time with my left hand I turned the key chain flashlight on. From behind a large pine tree we could see two eyes with a blueish eye sheen peek out from behind the tree. Both eyes were in the front of its head, like ours, or a predator. The eyes were at about a 7 foot height. I was incredibly scared as was my older brother Jeff. Just as I was about to squeeze the trigger out of fear, the creature looked down towards the creek and then back up. In an instant it bounded up the mountain through some really heavy timber. It sounded like a crash after a crash after a crash, and then it stopped. My brother and I hightailed it back to the cabin. We were both in disbelief. We didn’t know what we saw, just that whatever it was, it was big and incredibly fast. Jeff and I never really talked about the situation with anyone. However, I did mention it to my grandfather who originally acquired the property.
He then told me about a time when he was in the cabin in 1967 during an elk hunt. It was snowing hard and it was also a full moon. He said that he was woken up during the night to the sound of something banging against the cabin wall. He said that a creature was looking in the cabin window. Grandpa went on to say that in the morning he could see where a biped had walked down the canyon straight to the cabin, investigated it, and turned around and walked back.
Fast forward a few years to 2012.
I decide to place a trail cam up the canyon to scout a big game trail for bull elk. I set it in late august, expecting to catch elk on the pictures. However, the camera had three pictures on it of part of an animal with long reddish brown hair. The images were captured in a 3 round burst. They look like they would be a shoulder of a man with hair all over it. I have not shown these images to anyone. I retrieved the camera in early October 2012. And to my dismay, the camera had been turned on the tree almost 90 degrees, facing away from the game trail and into the brush. Also, the trail camera was placed at my eye level, at around 5,7. I don’t know what is in the area by my cabins, but I know that it is one of the most wild places I have ever been in Colorado. Its so heavily timbered and dark that I don’t really like to hunt there anymore.
I’m interested in doing some looking and reseach. Is there a group to join or are people able to join you guys? If not, you guys know of a group people can join?
is there any way i could join the team or go on a expedition with you guys?
Hello all
I am a Colorado native and avid outdoorsman. The subject of Sasquatch has always intrigued me. I have not had a class 1 sighting other than I was charged several years back by something big(I can provide more details if you are interested). I am a 100% believer. A close friend of mine heard some howls last weekend. I am working with him to get more details. I would love to get involved some way if there is opportunity and hear some stories. I live in western Colorado
Thanks for your time
Nathan king
Incredibly doubtful.
My name is Chris, from central Minnesota and feel more comfortable in the woods than in my own home. I always thought the possibility of “apes” living in American forests was just that a possibility. Why not, apes live in the African jungles. Little did I know these forest people are so much more than “apes”. One day 2 of my children and I were out looking for agates at one of my secret spots, an atv trail that runs through the woods. I’ve hunted these woods for years and until after this day never thought a thing about having encounters. Anyways as we were heading back to the vehicle, 6-7 turkeys ran out in front of us MAYBE 10 yards away, if you’ve read about wild turkey before, you know that this does not happen. We thought it was pretty cool to see and once again didn’t pay it much attention. The turkey sighting happened in kind of low spot and we had to climb a hill following the trail. As we walked around a corner on top of the hill, we heard a rock hit the ground and roll a couple feet. I estimate the rock was the size of a cantaloupe. I’ve tossed hundreds of rocks of those trails so atvers wouldn’t wreck anything and leak oils, gas, etc in “my woods”. We all stopped and looked in the same area. I knew this because as I was trying to figure out who was out there messing around, in my head, a thought popped into my head saying this” or maybe they do exist” they as in Sasquatch. I felt it was time to leave asap and didn’t tell me kids for 4-5 years later. After that I realized that during deer season I had one so close I could smell one or more. One year I built a blind for deer hunting in a pine plantation and could always hear something walking all around me, but once the flashlight came on no movement. I’ve had NUMEROUS class b encounters and one sighting about 150 yds away and one encounter unlike any other!!! These so called “apes” are capable of telepathy and I can attest to that. But that’s for a different time.
Christopher, definitely not apes. These people that live among us and around us whether seen in town or on the hills definitely are not apes. What they are, I do not know exactly but they’re definitely not apes. Just wait until they start talking to you, if they haven’t already. Then it all goes to hell. If I have a shred of nerve left in me I think it’s clinging to what little ego I have left. These ‘mountain apes’ (not!) have pretty much unnerved me and put me back together a better person or at least I’d like to think or hope so anyways. Good luck in your journey Christopher, with the hairy folk. They’ll let you know what you need to work on within yourself. They won’t give you anything, you have to work hard for everything they give away even if it’s a little glimpse of them in the corner of your eye. Chances are you’ve already earned your interaction with them already you just need to look within yourself or dream about it, the answer will come. “Hey-Yee,” means ‘hello’ or something like ‘I recognize you.’ The greeting comes with emotions as well, like an acknowledgement of their awareness of you, which is kind of cool but unnerving as well. Walking in love…, sounds cheesy but just thinking of something you love whether it’s warm ripe strawberries or your beloved doesn’t matter just the thought of love renders the fear they project upon us. They’re testing you when you feel it. They want us to go away but if you resist it in this manner they are not threatened but beware it may come at a cost because they simply up the anti and the testing becomes harder to bear. But if they send the energy waves under your feet it’s time to go. They’re making it obvious they don’t want you around but stall and they may tell you why. It may be just something within you that needs to be addressed. A wrong needs to be made right. They’ll let you know what it is if you keep your heart open to the answer even if you don’t want to hear it or face it, funny how that is. And of course become very familiar with the five stages of grief. This little tool will help you so much because it will help you with the denial stage and segway to acceptance much better. This way you don’t walk away from your encounter bewildered because they are also projecting a thought pattern of denial that literally tells you ‘this isn’t happening’, of which you need to fight off with another tool. That may be why so many encounters with the Sasquatch people goes unnoticed simply because of their power of projected thought upon the unaware person. I really haven’t a clue but I’m trying to learn and make sense out of it in my own way. Good luck and walk in love.
PACO, thanks for your service,i like most of the X generation are angry the way vietnam vets were treated, dam hippies,to me you are brave hero’s
I always find it amazing what a equaliser bigfoot is, paco i have no doubt,could whip my arse and is used to fear,yet this makes no differance at all, when we come upon the bigfoots, we all fear the big guy equally.
Fear, that’s the key word. Overcome it and the hairy folk will applaud you. They want you to overcome the fear that has been ingrained into us. It is a symptom and the treatment is love energy. Nope, I’m not a hippy I’m a former Marine Corps MOS 7051 Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighter but I’m still pissing myself when I’m around the Ancient Ones but, I’m working on it. I never thought in my life I would ever be into this kind of thing. I used to laugh when anyone brought up Sasquatch. Now I don’t, not at all. They’ve helped me be a better person.
hello i believe bigfoot to be a man in a monkey suit, but let’s just say it does exist. my question is this ” is there such a thing as different bigfoot clans? if so, what are they called ? what REAL proof do you have? i don’t mean any phoney made foot prints or bears fur?
lf bigfoot is a person in a monkey suite & they wear them all over the world in many different climates and weather, have been seen by thousands of witnesses and have even been shot by some, then where are all these dead costume wearers. l believe that you should provide the proof they aren’t real. Why is it you & other skeptics say believers need to provide proof. YOU need to provide proof they aren’t real.
Hello, I heard knocks out by the rocks in Gunnison coming from the forest. This was end of September. I was scared!
I’ve had 2 encounters that could definitely be bigfoot. I just know what else it could’ve been unless it was spiritual. Once in a remote area on Rampart Range I heard one which I believe was yelling at the top of it’s lungs while elk hunting. The other time I was camping at timberline in the southern Sangre De Cristo Mountains. My brother was with me and something touched the top of my tent. It did it twice in fact, and I could feel an evil presence that scared me big time! I hunt everywhere and have killed bears, this was no bear.
Each of your bios, and included stories, have one thing in common, you were influenced by one or two experiences, that took that hesitancy of getting involved in your own research. I have a similar story, although I put any effort to become more involved in research, off until I was able to make room for a more grounded hobby. I take the science part of it seriously, yet know I know in some circles it is almost s cult like following. I love to hike, and although, I don’t get to the areas I would like to , as often due to my having to drive distances to get to them 2 hours or more, to a day of driving or more. I havectskrn an interest in,going to open space hiking and public access trails, close to suburban and even urban cities. I find that those “green belts” are often very much alive with some structure and sign of bi-pedal habitat. I live in California in,the central valley. I have done some exploring in,the central Sierras and the Humboldt and Mendocino forests. I hope to get out more this winter between rain storms. That is the rainy time of year in Calif.,and maybe, I can get in a couple of trips. First,to plan my new course..thank you for your desire to bring this crypto science to a respected open discussion..Frank T.
I was born and raised in Colorado but mov d to Utah 2 year’s ago. I’m an avid hunter and outdoorsman so I always knew that it was feasible for an intelligent animal with a built in gilly suit to be able to exist and be elusive in the wild. I had a previous encounter but not a 100% sighting that I described in an earlier thread. Here in Utah I found some tree structures that were interesting and then found a track. It was 8 inches wide but not sure how long since there was a rock there. When the skeptics see the picture I took, they say it looks human. I, of course tell them that I see lots of people running around in the middle of the forest with no shoes. Then I show the size. I wear size 13 wide and even with my shoe, that is about half of my hand wide. Then have them look at the picture and see the the track is as wide as my hand. That’s where the comments stop. I have pics of the print and tree structures but didn’t know how to post. I’d be happy to share with anyone who wants to see.
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